Dr. MacDonald is primarily offering telehealth services while we are in lock-do​wn.
Dr. MacDonald's telehealth office address is:
In-person therapy is available at the discretion of Dr. MacDonald and based on client need. For in-person therapy:
- Masks are required during the session until further notice
- Hands must be sanitized on entering the clinic
- Do NOT come to the clinic if:
- You have traveled out of province within 2 weeks
- You have come into contact with someone who tested positive for Covid-19
- You are showing symptoms such as fever, sore throat, congestion, fatigue, muscle pain, dry cough.
- In any of these events reschedule your session.
- Late cancelation fees for Covid-related safety concerns will be waived during this time.
Dr. Dowd is providing telehealth therapy only.
Dr. Dowd's telehealth office address is:
Dr. MacDonald is taking the safety precautions necessary to mitigate risk of Covid-19, such as social distancing, staggering sessions, and proper sanitation. Non-essential items have also been removed from the clinic, where possible.
If Dr. MacDonald tests positive for Covid-19 and she came into direct contact with you, she will be required to provide your name and basic contact information to Public Health, if ordered to do so, and provided it is for the sole purpose of contact tracing.
By coming to the clinic you are accepting this potential risk to confidentiality, along with the risk of contracting Covid-19, duly noting safety precautions.